
Completion Year
Floor Area (m2) 34918
Building Height (m)
# of Floors 0
Building Status Completed
Land Area (m2)
Change to sqft

Globe Telepark is an office building located in Valero St. of Makati City. Serving as the main operation center for the company's services, Globe Telepark was built for telecommunication/data equipment and technical offices. The building has four basements and will be connected with other telecommunication hubs of the company through fiber optic cable.

Awards & Recognitions



111, 1227 Valero, Makati City

Globe Telepark for rent. Globe Telepark for lease. Globe Telepark for let. Globe Telepark for sale. 111, 1227 Valero, Makati City Makati City for rent. 111, 1227 Valero, Makati City, Makati City for lease. 111, 1227 Valero, Makati City, Makati City space for let. 111, 1227 Valero, Makati City Makati City space for sale.

Globe Telepark

Makati City, Philippines